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Chiropractor adjusting baby boy, both smiling

Chiropractor Shawnee KS

Situated in Shawnee, KS, Vita Chiropractic joyfully extends its services to individuals from Mission and beyond. Strategically positioned within the Mission Community, our chiropractic practice stands as a convenient hub for those seeking principled chiropractic care.


In Shawnee, KS, Vita Chiropractic is here for you, no matter your age. We tailor our care to fit your unique health needs because we know everyone is different.

More than just easing pain, we focus on your overall wellness. If you're dealing with arthritis, we're here to help lessen your pain and make your joints feel better. And for those with fibromyalgia, we have strategies to ease your pain and boost your well-being.


Come talk to us at Vita Chiropractic in Mission, KS, to start your personal journey to feeling better. Our team cares about you and wants to help you understand how chiropractic care can make a positive difference in your health. Let's work together for a healthier, happier life.


You can trust Vita Chiropractic for friendly, caring, and personalized chiropractic support right here in Shawnee, KS. Your well-being matters to us, and we're committed to helping you feel your best.


Dr. Zach was born and raised in Manhattan, KS. Growing up he was very active in sports, playing baseball, basketball, and football. He later went on to play college basketball at Cowley County Community College and then Friends University in Wichita, KS.


His first experience with chiropractors started in middle school for frequent headaches, low back pain, and bouts of shortness of breath and asthma.

Later, when Dr. Zach was in college he had debilitating low back pain and sciatic nerve pain which prevented him from doing any form of practice or workouts. He was told that it should go away on its own if he stopped working out and took ibuprofen. Unfortunately, it did not go away, so he decided to see a chiropractor. Under care, his low back pain, and sciatic nerve pain resolved which allowed him to participate in workouts, and practices again, and his team went on to have the best season recorded in school history!


These visits peaked his interest in the profession, but he still was never explained how the adjustment affected his body. It wasn’t until Dr. Zach was in Pre-Physician Assistant undergrad program at Wichita State that a chiropractor came to speak about the importance of spinal health, the intimate relationship it holds with the nervous system and how that pertains to health and wellness. After that class Dr. Zach immediately called his family, told them that he wanted to become a Chiropractor. Later, Dr. Zach graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cleveland Chiropractic College, where he also won the Clinical Excellence award for the care he provided in the Outpatient Center.


Dr. Zach specializes in Neurologically-based Chiropractic care. He holds Advance Certified Proficient in Torque Release Technique credential; which is a gentle, specific, results-driven technique. He also holds Webster Technique certification, which is specific for pregnant women. He is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, and specializes in providing care for pediatric patients!


Dr. Zach is thrilled to open his own practice and have the ability to provide life-changing care and information to The Greater Kansas City community. He believes it is a huge disservice to anyone who does not know why they should get adjusted, or how it affects the body. He is very passionate about Chiropractic care and loves serving his community


Vita Chiropractic is proud to offer exceptional chiropractic care to the Mission, KS communities in Shawnee.

What to expect during a chiropractic adjustment

During a chiropractic adjustment, you will typically lie on a specially designed table. The chiropractor will use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled force to specific joints in your spine. You may hear a popping or cracking sound as the joint is adjusted. This is caused by the release of gas bubbles from the joint fluid.

Chiropractic adjustments are generally safe and effective. However, there are some risks associated with any treatment, including chiropractic care. These risks are rare, but they can include serious complications such as stroke.

Back Pain Relief: Vita Chiropractic specializes in alleviating back pain through targeted adjustments, promoting spinal health.

Neck Pain Solutions: Our chiropractic care addresses neck pain, enhancing mobility and reducing discomfort for improved daily living.


Headache Management: Vita Chiropractic offers personalized approaches to manage headaches, targeting root causes for lasting relief.


Whiplash Recovery: Our chiropractors provide comprehensive whiplash care, focusing on restoring neck function and reducing associated pain.


Sciatica Treatment: Experience effective sciatica relief with Vita Chiropractic's specialized techniques, promoting nerve health and well-being.


Muscle Spasm Alleviation: Through tailored adjustments, we address muscle spasms, facilitating relaxation and enhancing overall musculoskeletal comfort.


Sports Injury Rehabilitation: Vita Chiropractic aids in sports injury recovery, employing chiropractic methods to optimize healing and restore peak performance.


Arthritis Support: Our chiropractors offer holistic arthritis care, aiming to alleviate pain and improve joint function for enhanced quality of life.

In Shawnee, KS, Vita Chiropractic is the chiropractor you can rely on in Mission, KS. We welcome everyone, from kids to grown-ups and seniors. If you're looking for relief from pain, help with recovering from an injury, or just want to boost your overall wellness, we've got your back.

Come have a chat with us to find out how chiropractic care can make a difference for you. We're here to help improve your health and make your life better. Trust Vita Chiropractic for personalized care designed just for you. Your well-being is important to us, and we're ready to support you in Shawnee, KS.


Who can benefit from chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care can be beneficial for people of all ages, including children, adults, and seniors. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions.

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